Lovely to hear your first recording in the new course. Hope you liked meeting a new friend – BobbleHead! Do you or any of your friends wear specs like BoobleHead?
I see you’ve sung well! We’re sending some notes below to help you get better and more confident with this sort of exercise. Its important because you will be doing more such rhythm exercises in Course 2. Keep up the good work and here are some stars that Tootly and BobbleHead have sent for you! 🤓🌟🌟🌟🌟🤓
Dear Parent,
Welcome to Course 2 – and we’re really happy you are continuing with Tootly.
Now that the kids are comfortable with the vocal element of music, this exercise highlights another important element – rhythm. While steady beat is intrinsic in all of us (its actually easier to sing in a steady beat than not) – we often take it for granted and don’t pay much heed to it. This exercise aims to help children ‘hear’ and internalise the rhythm so that kids become comfortable in singing without needing a clapping or tapping action along with it.
Kiaara has sung this well. Please also see our point-wise feedback below (based on needs work/ good/ excellent):
Confidence and Independence – good
Understanding of the concept or exercise – good
Singing/ Pitching – excellent
Rhythm – excellent*
Overall control (volume, breath etc) – excellent
Pronunciation/ recollection of lyrics – excellent
Notes: **Kiaara seems to have needed a bit of prodding, but once she began, she is able to keep her rhythm steady, which is a good sign.
If you feel she still needs help you can try the following:
1) first only listen to the beat and do a physical action – like tapping a stick, marching , nodding etc in that beat;
2) Sing a single syllable – in no particular tune- eg: ‘la’ or ‘dum’ or ‘1,2,3,4’ in that beat
These will help internalise the beat better before she sings with it.
You can consider repeating (you needn’t send us a recording) at home so that you get used to singing at different speeds – for that: just type the word ‘metronome’ in the google search bar and press search. You will see a simple tool where you can change the speed (a bigger number is a faster speed) and click to play the beats. Now listen to the beat first and then single along just like you did with BobbleHead.
Look forward to hearing more from Kiaara. The first live meet milestone for Course is on completion of Day 5. Please check your email notifications and set up the same at your earliest convenience. Please ignore if done already.
hi dear Kiaara,
Lovely to hear your first recording in the new course. Hope you liked meeting a new friend – BobbleHead! Do you or any of your friends wear specs like BoobleHead?
I see you’ve sung well! We’re sending some notes below to help you get better and more confident with this sort of exercise. Its important because you will be doing more such rhythm exercises in Course 2. Keep up the good work and here are some stars that Tootly and BobbleHead have sent for you! 🤓🌟🌟🌟🌟🤓
Dear Parent,
Welcome to Course 2 – and we’re really happy you are continuing with Tootly.
Now that the kids are comfortable with the vocal element of music, this exercise highlights another important element – rhythm. While steady beat is intrinsic in all of us (its actually easier to sing in a steady beat than not) – we often take it for granted and don’t pay much heed to it. This exercise aims to help children ‘hear’ and internalise the rhythm so that kids become comfortable in singing without needing a clapping or tapping action along with it.
Kiaara has sung this well. Please also see our point-wise feedback below (based on needs work/ good/ excellent):
Confidence and Independence – good
Understanding of the concept or exercise – good
Singing/ Pitching – excellent
Rhythm – excellent*
Overall control (volume, breath etc) – excellent
Pronunciation/ recollection of lyrics – excellent
Notes: **Kiaara seems to have needed a bit of prodding, but once she began, she is able to keep her rhythm steady, which is a good sign.
If you feel she still needs help you can try the following:
1) first only listen to the beat and do a physical action – like tapping a stick, marching , nodding etc in that beat;
2) Sing a single syllable – in no particular tune- eg: ‘la’ or ‘dum’ or ‘1,2,3,4’ in that beat
These will help internalise the beat better before she sings with it.
You can consider repeating (you needn’t send us a recording) at home so that you get used to singing at different speeds – for that: just type the word ‘metronome’ in the google search bar and press search. You will see a simple tool where you can change the speed (a bigger number is a faster speed) and click to play the beats. Now listen to the beat first and then single along just like you did with BobbleHead.
Look forward to hearing more from Kiaara. The first live meet milestone for Course is on completion of Day 5. Please check your email notifications and set up the same at your earliest convenience. Please ignore if done already.